PlaceNet Page Critic - Child Placement Recruitment

Keywords: how to adopt a child

Partial matching disabled, Non-Exact Search, Non-Case Sensitive

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This is a demonstration of the analysis of the site's performance when people search using AOL. We are also comparing to it's main competitor, on an AOL search. as you can see, some changes are necessary to make more visible to users of AOL!

( If the following makes sense to you then you can see the power and value of web prominence in recruitment of families! If you don't get much of the following, please don't worry. Either your webmaster or PlaceNet can make these changes for you).

This next report provides an analysis of how each of your pages is being ranked by the search engines.
This link takes you back to the Overall Analysis Report.

Analysis Date: Sunday, April 30, 2000 at 5:32:59 PM
Main Page:
Compare To Page:
Engine: AOL Search

PlaceNet Page Critic

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Page Critic - Based on the Analyzed data, and the current AOL Search rules, here are my suggestions for improving the ranking of your page on AOL Search:**

Helpful links explaining the terms used here are available in the full version, but not in this demo.
Suggestions for making your page conform closer to the statistical averages for top ranking pages:

* The keyword frequencies suggested below are based on the number of times ANY of the words in your keyword phrase "how to adopt a child" appear on the page, DIVIDED by the number of words in the phrase.
  • A word count from 5 to 8 is suggested for the Title area. Your word count is 30 right now so you might consider decreasing your word count in the Title.
  • A keyword prominence of at least 63% is suggested for the Link Text area. Your prominence is 1.1% right now so you might consider increasing your prominence in the Link Text.
  • A word count from 2092 to 2689 is suggested for the Body Text area. Your word count is 135 right now so you might consider increasing your word count in the Body Text.
  • A total frequency from 2 to 11 is suggested for the page as a whole. Your total frequency is 23.4 now, so you might consider decreasing your frequency count.
  • A total word count from 2357 to 2779 is suggested for the page as a whole. Your total word count is 361 now, so you might consider increasing your word count.

Suggestions based on the analysis of your page for AOL Search for keywords 'how to adopt a child' for non-exact match phrase searches:

  • Try to use one of the words of your Keyword phrase more often than the other words in the phrase. In other words, each word of the phrase should not be repeated exactly the same number of times on the page.
  • In general, home pages will rank higher than sub-pages, all other things being equal. Therefore, if you are looking for an additional advantage, consider purchasing additional domains named after the most important Keywords you wish to optimize, and then optimize the home page for each domain for a different Keyword. A home page is defined as a page name with the root ending in "home.", "index.", or "default." such as "index.htm", "default.asp", or "myhome.html". For example, an ideal Url would be "". To check the availability of a domain or to purchase a domain name, click here.
  • Creating multiple Title tags with Keywords may help improve your ranking on AOL Search.

General Suggestions for AOL Search:

  • As of December 4th, 1999 up to 67 character domain names can now be purchased versus 23 character domains. This can significantly increase the number of Keywords you can include in a domain name and thereby increase your rankings for those Keywords. Click here to learn more. To check the availability of a domain or to purchase a domain name, click here.
  • Your ranking and the ranking of other sites may be influenced by the link "popularity" of the site. This is determined by how many OTHER Web sites link to your own. The more sites that you can get to link to you, the better!
    [View Main Page Popularity]            [View Compare Page Popularity]
  • In general for AOL Search, the higher the frequency of Keywords on a page, the better. Therefore, lengthy pages with the Keyword repeated many times in different places in the document can improve your ranking. This rule may be more true for single Keywords than for multi-word phrases.
  • Pages which consist mostly of lots of links with Keywords in some or all of them, along with little other text on the page, often do well. Pages with lots of words and links with Keywords can also do well.
  • Along with using your Keyword at the top of the page, you might consider using your Keyword at least once near the bottom of your page in the Body area. This can help convey an overall "theme" to the page and may improve your score. Click here to learn why. Only make this change if it doesn't conflict with the current recommended prominence suggestion.
  • Since plurals are not recognized as being synonymous by AOL Search, try to use the plural form of the Keyword in addition to the singular form when possible to capture more potential traffic.
  • For additional help in improving your rankings, click here, or see the Page Analysis.
  • Note: AOL Search may penalize for having too many Keywords. That's why some areas may recommend zero Keywords. These recommendations are based on the average frequencies for pages ranking in the top 5 for a variety of Keywords.
  • If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions about the above advice, e-mail us at

**Disclaimer: Since search engine algorithms are not made public and can change often, the above advice is meant only to be a strong starting point to helping you move your page toward the top of the list. For further tips, study the results of the Page Analysis below for detailed insights into how to emulate a top ranking page.

Page Analysis

"Main Page" in the following tables is "Compare" is Even though the former is superior adoption site it does not rank as well on AOL.
Follow the advice ABOVE first and run our reports again.  If your rankings still need improvement:
   1. Click here to review the Page Analysis Help.
   2. Then try to make your statistics below EMULATE or MATCH those of your competitors.
Area - Detail Not Shown Frequency Words Weight Average
  Main Page Title Summary 
      (1 Total Title, 1 w/keywords)
0.2 30.0 3.3% 9.6%
  Compare   Title Summary 
      (1 Total Title, w/keywords)
0.0 6.0 0.0% 0.0%
  AOL Search Top Averages for Title:* 0.3 6.6 21.8% 75.8%
  Main Page Meta Keywords Summary 
      (1 Total Meta, 1 w/keywords)
1.4 93.0 7.5% 33.2%
  Compare   Meta Keywords Summary 
      (1 Total Meta, 1 w/keywords)
0.6 75.0 4.0% 3.5%
  AOL Search Top Averages for Meta Keywords:* 0.3 17.5 8.3% 73.7%
  Main Page Meta Description Summary 
      (1 Total Meta, 1 w/keywords)
0.8 34.0 11.8% 95.2%
  Compare   Meta Description Summary 
      (1 Total Meta, 0 w/keywords)
0.0 19.0 0.0% 0.0%
  AOL Search Top Averages for Meta Description:* 0.1 8.0 8.2% 77.7%
  Main Page Heading Summary 
      (0 Total Heading Texts, 0 w/keywords)
  Compare   Heading Summary 
      (0 Total Heading Texts, 0 w/keywords)
  AOL Search Top Averages for Heading:* 0.1 56.3 1.2% 83.3%
   Link Text Summary 
      (24 Total Links, 3 w/keywords)
0.6 60.0 5.0% 1.1%
  Compare   Link Text Summary 
      (17 Total Links, 2 w/keywords)
0.4 50.0 4.0% 95.8%
  AOL Search Top Averages for Link Text:* 0.9 154.5 2.9% 62.7%
  Main Page Hyperlink Url Summary 
      (28 Total Hyperlink Urls, 26 w/keywords)
19.2 N/A N/A N/A
  Compare   Hyperlink Url Summary 
      (40 Total Hyperlink Urls, 33 w/keywords)
17.8 N/A N/A N/A
  AOL Search Top Averages for Hyperlink Url:* 0.0 N/A N/A N/A
  Main Page Alt Summary 
      (2 Total Alts, 1 w/keywords)
0.2 9.0 11.1% 2.3%
  Compare   Alt Summary 
      (12 Total Alts, 2 w/keywords)
0.4 25.0 8.0% 1.5%
  AOL Search Top Averages for Alt:* 0.4 18.1 9.7% 87.8%
  Main Page Comment Summary 
      (0 Total Comments, 0 w/keywords)
  Compare   Comment Summary 
      (9 Total Comments, 0 w/keywords)
0.0 32.0 0.0% 0.0%
  AOL Search Top Averages for Comment:* 0.0 11.0 0.0% 0.0%
  Main Page Body Text Summary 
      (1 Total Body Text, 1 w/keywords)
1.0 135.0 3.7% 56.8%
  Compare   Body Text Summary 
      (1 Total Body Text, 1 w/keywords)
1.2 213.0 2.8% 5.6%
  AOL Search Top Averages for Body Text:* 2.7 2390.5 0.6% 56.5%
 Overall Main Page
    (58 Total Areas, 34 w/keywords)
23.4 361.0 32.4% 2.5%
 Overall Compare Page
    (82 Total Areas, 39 w/keywords)
20.4 420.0 24.3% 1.7%
The overall totals above are only your overall averages for frequency, words, weight, and prominence. The average prominence is NOT a percentage indicator of the "correctness" or overall score for your page.  Click here for help on understanding this chart!

*Top Averages for AOL Search are based on the average scores of the top 5 pages for dozens of keyword searches.

**Need more information? De-select "Summarize Analysis Data" checkbox on Page Critic screen and re-analyze to display area detail lines.

Page Properties

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Page Properties

Main Page

Compare Page

Most times keyword repeated in a row:



Has same color text used as the background:



Has Hidden Input area:



Uses Meta Refresh:



Uses frames:



Uses controls:



Uses Java Script:



Uses VBScript:



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This next report provides an analysis of how each of your pages is being ranked by the search engines.
This link takes you back to the Overall Analysis Report.

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